David Wendl

The Pigeon

A pigeon
is just a dove
come to the city,
exiled from his forests
and mountain cliff sides
where once he roosted

He has left behind
his life as a symbol
of peace
for in place of his homeland
a city now stands
a city that knows him not
as an emissary of nature
but as a rat of the skyscrapers

The pigeon by all accounts
is not troubled by this change
for although the land of his birth
may be gone
he has fashioned himself
a new home
with monstrous soaring cliffs
and rivers of abandoned food

the former icon of peace
is now content
to live his life
pecking up the crumbs I drop from my muffin
instead of the seeds and berries of the wild,
and cooing melodiously
with the homeless bums on the streets
rather than the music of the forest.
The End